Kaplan Entrance exam for Cumberland University


So I just finished the Kaplan Entrance Exam for Cumberland University about 10 minutes ago & here are my scores, thoughts and what you guys should study.

So for Cumberland the Kaplan Benchmark scores are MATH 79 (I GOT AN 89), READING 77(I GOT AN 64), SCIENCE 55 (I GOT A 85), & WRITING 62 (I GOT A 67). I don't know what my critical thinking score or overall score is because half way through the exam I accidentally selected End Test instead of End Session. So I had to repay to take the remaining sections.

So heres how I studied, I used the HESI A2 app to study since I already has the app and didn't feel like buying another book. What I used to do well in the Science portion was Crash Course on Youtube and studying the Kaplan Science on quizlet some questions were EXACTLY the same. I'll link then below once I find it. For math my exam simple dividing fractions, add, subtract. I'm pretty good at math so i used the HESI A2 app just brushing up on my Algebra & the Kahn Academy website.

I didn't really study Reading and Writing as much as a should've because on my practice tests I was getting 100%. So I'm very surprised and disappointed at my score. The reading and writing sections had passages and you answer the question according to the passage except a couple questions asked where does the comma not belong, where should this sentence be inserted into the passage, etc. It reminded me of the SATs honestly.

I will say I only studied for less than a week so my score could've been better if I studied more. If you have another questions let me know!

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