Kaiser Group Interview


Hi everyone!

This is is my first thread here. I just had a phone interview with Kaiser HR recruiter today. She told me that there will be a group interview on October 6. If hiring managers would be interested, it'll be my first time to be in a group interview. I am so anxious. I've been searching online for tips but it is really nonspecific.

Please, please, please I need your advices! I want so bad to get hired by Kaiser.

PS. I am applying for postpartun position.

Specializes in Postpartum, Med Surg, Home Health.

I've never been to a kaiser interview so I don't have advice; however I was wondering what area kaiser is this? I have been applying for their post partum positions and never get any calls, also do you have PP experience?

Its in Kaiser Anaheim.. I just applied online and I got a phone call for interview. I basically applied for postpartum positions in LA county.. Lol

Postpartum RN: I was actually hired by my current job as nursery nurse but they cross train us to postpartum. I have only 18 mos nursery/postpartum experience total.

Specializes in Postpartum, Med Surg, Home Health.

Good luck in your interview!

Hi! I'm super late but how did you interview go?! I was wondering if you can give me any advice because I have a group interview coming up and I don't know what to expect! Eeks

Hi.. I got declined at Kaiser South Bay. I also had an interview at Anaheim but that one was a little bit easy but apparently they interviewed us without any job posting. They said to just wait till there is opening.

Hi! I know this is a older post but I'm wondering if you could give me an idea what the group interview is like at Kaiser. I have a group interview next week. Thanks so much!

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