Published Dec 1, 2015
530 Posts
Just finished my Hesi A2 Exam. Overall, I found this a very easy test. I did not buy any materials;I used online tests, books, and an old GED test book I had.
I took 40 minutes for reading/grammar/ap/vocab, and an hour and a half on the math, which is not my strong suit simply because i make mistakes when i rush, so I triple checked every answer.
If you study, you will do FINE. Time yourself on the big practice tests. I took a month to study mine. 2 weeks on math, one week on vocab/grammar and a week on reading/AP.
on test day, don't bother studying. Relax, have a good breakfast..don't psych out. This is no harder than your typical entrance exam.
resources used:
hesia2 practice online
mcgraw hills 3 practice tests w/ explanations
math for nurses (very good for the ratio/proportion practice, and memorizing often-used conversions)
mcgraw hills GED book
hesi a2 flashcards app (VERY useful)
overall score: 87%
reading- 90%
Overall, if you aren't strong in reading I would highly recommend taking lots of practice tests. I have always found reading the questions before the passage has helped.
¤ You should know how to find what was the authors intent in writing the passage.
¤ what is the tone of the article. (really know this)
¤ find the main idea, and be able to pick the best supporting statement regarding that main idea.
¤ what can you infer (assume) from the article?
¤ what details were or were not included in the passage. (this should be simple if you READ carefully.)
grammar - 86%
¤ subject-verb agreement
¤ find what sentence, or paired words are place wrong in the sentence.
¤ basic punctuation, where you would put it and WHY.
¤ find the independent or dependent clause.
¤ know how to use there, their ,who's, whose, etc. Know when they're being used incorrectly!
¤ what sentence is grammatically correct? (i would suggest lots of practice on these,all answers were very similar)
vocabulary 94%
¤ know what context a word is used in.
¤ know general medical terms, you don't need to go crazy, but often-used words are on there.
¤ know how a word with multiple contexts is used, and be able to pick whether it is being used correctly or incorrectly.
AP - 80%
¤ you only get 30 questions, choose wisely. (and study, unlike me. bad move on my part.)
¤ know hormones,where they originate,what they do,what they affect.
¤ know the heart and its function inside and out.
¤parts of the cell and its function.
¤ meiosis, miosis
¤how each system works generally
¤ nerves, their location and what they affect.
¤ know the digestive system!
¤ know basic concepts of peristalsis, diabetes, glycolysis, etc.
¤ planes of the body, what they divide and the body cavities.
¤ know the different joints.
math - 90%
¤ i cannot stress this enough; KNOW YOUR FRACTIONS INSIDE AND OUT. add, multiply, divide, and subtract, practice +/- with more than 2 fractions, with unlike denominators, mixed numbers, etc. Carefully read whether they want you to reduce to lowest terms or not.
¤ know how to convert between percents/decimals/fractions.
¤ alot of word problems with percents and fractions mixed in.
¤ know your basic metric conversions(kilometers, milliliters, etc), basic household conversions(gallons,pints,cups,etc)
¤ convert between fahrenheit and celsius.
¤ ratio and proportions, LOTS of them. Study, study, study!
¤ know what percent/fraction/decimal is the largest or smallest.
¤ how to apply these basic math skills through word problems.(very typical questions you'd find on any entrance exam; finding your gross pay, how much someone spent in a store, what percent of students in a class,etc)
5 Posts
Have any examples of the math conversions? were they household or metric? word problems or just questions like "how many cups in a gallon?"
congrats btw!
you need to know both and how to convert between the two, so know them well.
There were basic "how many milliliters are in one liter" and applicable word problems such as
"if jeff knows 8oz are in 1 cup, how many oz are in 3.5 gallons"
some of these problems were fill in the blank.
There are no suprises, the math is very straight forward. If you can convert between US to Metric, and know each systems common conversions you'll be golden.
I used an app called Hesi Flashcards by BH Inc. GREAT for the math., especially for the conversions that you will see.
19 Posts
what did the McGraw Hill GED book help you with? Grammer & Reading Comp? thinking about picking that up.
yea, the mcgraw hill book was helpful in rejogging grammar rules, and reintroducing reading comp questions.