Just a some questions


I am very interested in oncolgy nursing. I have looked but been unable to find any universities that have a Masters program for oncology nursing. If anyone knows of any schools with a program please let me know. If anyone would like to tell me how they got started in Oncology nursing please tell me. I would appreciate any tips.


Here are a couple of school's that offer master's of nursing in Oncology. I know there are more, it is just finding them that can be time consuming. Yahoo has a good college search site.

UC San Francisco: http://nurseweb.ucsf.edu/www/speclist.htm#ONC

University of Colorado Health Sciences Center: http://freenet.uchsc.edu/son/acad/msn/pmcp.htm

The UT-Houston School of Nursing: http://www.uthouston.edu/nurse.html

Good Luck!

Julie M.,SN

University of Pennsylvania has a great masters program in oncology nursing. I am starting school there this fall. http://www.nursing.upenn.edu/


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