Published Feb 8, 2009
263 Posts
I have a question- Im 3 months away from graduating for LPN(hopefully) and i was wondering if anyone knew if I was able to apply for a bridge program that starts in the fall- i went to an information session on a program at a local CC but they dont start taking applications until feb of 2010- Everyone keeps telling me just wait and work and apply then- but thats not what i want if i have another option. I do plan on working and getting experience under my belt, but i also plan on going to school part time. So I was wondering about the online programs like KAPLAN and EXCELSIOR- unfortunately i havent recieved an information packet from either, or an email, I think they call but i gave them my answering service number since i am at school allday then iget my 1 year old from daycare, start dinner, bath, and bedtime @8:30- so i really dont have the time at all for the phone calls but it seems theres no other way to get info....So if anyone knows about these programs, id be greatful for any advice or info! Or if anyone knows of any other options please, suggestions are welcome(except for the ones that tell me to wait, Ive gotten plenty of those already! :spin: )