Just Accepted into LCC's program!!!!!! YES!!

U.S.A. Michigan


I just received my acceptance letter from LCC!!! I'm so excited and feel consumed with so many emotions. I can't wait to get started. I feel so fortunate to be given this opportunity. Here's to all the future and current nurses!

I'm a pre-nursing student at LCC, so I congratulate you on your acceptance. I just noticed the MIchigan thread today, so I haven't been around this part. I have been on the pre nursing student thread though off and on. I'm just starting, so I have some math and science pre-reqs to do first.

I still need to attend the information meeting yet. What's the ratio to those that apply to those that get accepted? I've met some other pre nursing students in my math class and I didn't get up the nerve to ask them. I think it's pretty high # of apps to # of openings. A little scary, but I'll make it happen if I work hard.

Again, congrats!

Hey good luck with trying to get in. Not sure what the "ratio" was however I know in 2006 over 2000 applied and they only have spots for 160. So that's like only 8% got in who applied. The information meetings are really helpful. I also recommend making appointments with a nursing advisor every once and awhile to make sure you're on track. I memorized the phase 2 point scale, it was like an obsession. If you have further questions, let me know.

I'm a pre-nursing student at LCC, so I congratulate you on your acceptance. I just noticed the MIchigan thread today, so I haven't been around this part. I have been on the pre nursing student thread though off and on. I'm just starting, so I have some math and science pre-reqs to do first.

I still need to attend the information meeting yet. What's the ratio to those that apply to those that get accepted? I've met some other pre nursing students in my math class and I didn't get up the nerve to ask them. I think it's pretty high # of apps to # of openings. A little scary, but I'll make it happen if I work hard.

Again, congrats!

Hey, I was at the informational meeting about a month ago and it was pretty helpful. Basically, they went over the PDF packet that you can print out online at the LCC website. Although, a lot of the information that they went over was for the traditional program not the accelerated. Definately make sure to schedule many appointments with a nursing advisor over the course of completing your prereqs, as they know exactly what you need to do to get in and can help you maximize the number of points that you can get in order to be maximally competitive. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.

I haven't applied yet. I am going to this fall and will probably try to get into the accelerated RN program that will start in March 2008. I just double checked my schedule for this summer and fall and I do have Greene for BIOL203, and I am taking NURS200 online so I think I'm all set.

Are you starting the two year program in the fall?

Any other tips or pieces of advice you think I could use, please pass along.


Yes I'm starting the 2 year program. I'm *trying* to start in the fall, although I was picked for Spring 08. My orientation is Wednesday so I should know more details then. I'm assuming you already have a BA since you're looking into the accelerated program? Good Luck that's awesome, the best advice I can give is to stay focused and strategize strategize strategize. I swear I knew the Phase II admissions requirements by heart. You'll gain 10 pts right off the bat with a degree. Do well in your classes, since GPA is a big factor too. Do you have healthcare experience? If so great if not start now so you can get a "few pts" extra.

I also applied early and kept touching base with nursing advisors to make sure I was on track. I even researched other cc programs too.

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