Brightpoint Community College, formerly John Tyler Community College (JTCC) FALL 2022


Hi everyone,

I created this thread to see if anyone else has applied for JTCC fall 2022 nursing program and wanted to kind of just compare notes. I have a 3.69 GPA and got a 73.3 on my TEAS so I'm a little nervous!

I also applied for the nursing program at JTCC for the fall of 2022. My overall GPA is 3.41 and my personal TEAS was 79%. I applied for traditional as first choice and hybrid as second. I am hoping for an answer soon. I have done all of my prereqs and taking my final coreq this semester. If I don't get in I will have to choose between continuing in health science program for transfer or taking nursing at another school.

@Leanne Ruiz

I applied to Reynolds and Southside College of Health Sciences as well, Reynolds required me to take the HESI which was way easier to me!

Hello, are we talking about John Tyler/Brightpoint CC??? 

Okay! I’ve also applied for Fall 2022. The suspense is killing me! 

@Tsr2387 what was your score on your TEAS if you don't mind me asking? A friend told me she found out on April 9th last year for her decision for fall 2021 so hopefully soon!! 

70%. Yes, I’ve read the old jtcc fall 2021 thread & also asked my advisor at Jtcc. She said 2nd week of April!


well I’m glad your advisor is keeping you updated LOL mine only told me we won’t know anything before April

Hey guys, also a fall 2022 applicant here. I got an 85% on the TEAS, I'm shooting for hybrid. JTCC was the only school I applied to so fingers crossed!! My advisor said within the first 2 weeks of April as well. Good luck everyone! 


oh wow! 85% is freaking awesome so I’m sure you’re a shoo-in! I’m a nervous wreck and constantly checking my emails!

45 minutes ago, Lsmatney said:


oh wow! 85% is freaking awesome so I’m sure you’re a shoo-in! I’m a nervous wreck and constantly checking my emails!


Thank you! Same here, I'm freaking out. I'm nervous because I'm not sure how they look at our GPAs, I took almost all of the prereqs at VCU except for English.. which I got a C in (in high school ugh). I'm currently taking anatomy as well, but I have an A. I'm worried that technically my prereq GPA is like a 2 with just English, but it would be a 3 something factoring in everything else. I emailed my advisor and she has no idea either.. 


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