JP or Hemovac(CSF mixed drain)


Hi, Question:

How to determine normal JP or Hemovac draineage with CSF mixed?

Specializes in Medical-Surgical/Float Pool/Stepdown.

Do you want to rule out a CSF leak into the JP's drainage?

The two tricks I know are put some droplets of fluid (or however much gets the job done) onto an absorbent surface (like a pillow case or dry wipe) and look for a halo ring or check the fluid with a glucometer to see the glucose reading. If I remember correctly, the glucose will be more elevated with CSF drainage.

The best bet is to see if you have a Neurosurgeon or Neurologist (or NP/PA that are in this specialty) to figure it out for you.

The methods I just explained aren't failsafe and are kinda a macgyver way of doing things...which may very well be disproved or out of date methods now...

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