Published Mar 30, 2008
15 Posts
i so darn hate politics!!! i never thought it's that worse in my town! i thought i can just get in a hospital and hope that i can be chosen because of my credentials... but no, most of the time, it has to be that you have to know someone powerful either from the society or from the hospital you're applying in to be able to get in faster. grrrrr! and believe me, it gets worse when you're already a staff in the hospital, mostly in public ones. tight sked if you're not buying your supervisor's items for sale. and one has to be super friendly with them because you're really dead if you don't. yes, im jobless but i saw those happen when i was a trainee in a hospital for 5 months. well, ordinary people still get nursing jobs here -- after 5 to 6 months of waiting (as of late 2007)! by ordinary people i mean those average-almost-dean's-lister-student, coming from a no-doctor-family, doesn't-suck-at-senior nurses ENTRY LEVEL NURSE. i know i did my job well but i guess it's not enough for them. i even knew a classmate that got hired when i knew i was way better than her. oh welll, que sera sera. i just hope and pray i'll get a job soon! even most of the hospital trainings here in the phil has a payment, some up to approx $240. (i paid approx. $73 for mine) gosh! imagine? we're giving free services and we're paying for it! God bless them! i hope this also clears a little bit as to the reasons why nurses are trying to get out of the philippines. politics is one of them!
:wink2:at least i got these load off... thanks to allnurses...
386 Posts
Sorry to hear of your plight. It isn't always so different here, sorry to say. Are you coming to America?
yep, i know it's a pandemic thing but at least in the USA, nurses are well compensated. here, the net pay in a month for staff nurses is approx. $238. some of my friends are even earning way less than that (approx. $155). imagine? that's why im torn between trying another training (and pay for it) or apply for a job and wait for months. dang... btw, yep, hopefully i'll be there in america soon. just as long as retrogression gets lifted (God knows when..) im a patient person... hehehehe! thanks
367 Posts
How terrible.
No wonder the Phil nurses want to come here. It sucks here but it's way better than that.
Prayers for you!