Published Mar 18, 2019
direw0lf, BSN
1,069 Posts
Hey. So I have a dilemma and I’m looking for advice at what will be the best for my chances to be hired basically I guess. And for the record I do feel morally bad. Sorry for the length of the question.
i interviewed for this RN position when I was still in school in nov 2017. I graduated may ‘18. I was told in nov ‘17 there was a 6 month waiting list to start, but I was placed on the waiting list At That Time in Nov. Making it so that after I passed my nclex in the summer I’d be all set to start my nurse residency position.
My mistake was I did not get anything in writing about that and took that word as gospel. However the HR for the residency apparently they received many applicants, there’s 200 in my group and things didn’t work out that way.
When I passed my nclex I was told to contact them with proof which I did. I was told at the time that I gave proof that THEN I was placed on the now 5-6 mos waiting list. They said look at a Dec start date. (I passed in July- I wish I hadn’t waited that long in hindsight to take it)
Ok. The Problem was I planned to relocate a year after I graduated. Finally decided on that time to move and where to move.
But then I couldn’t start work until Dec. I really did stress about this decision and even wrote about it a little before on here. But I took the job because I thought how would it look not to be working for a whole year after I graduated?? I thought better to take this and have experience.
Yes I am sorry if I took someone’s spot, I truly am. But I also did work very hard to be where I am. I don’t deserve it less because I really have worked hard and put so much dedication and time in with my school, work and building rapports with hospital staff. Then I thought maybe I can work it out to still live here longer and stay here a year more, but that isn’t working out. This area I’m in is not very safe and the other day I had a scare with a group of people harassing me on the street (they chased me to my car- this happens to people here often. Was not at my work)
Anyway - now I was offered a permanent unit done with the residency. Should I leave, or stay through the summer then move (the summer maybe fall or around 6 mos is how long I could stand to stay here I think ) I feel very bad either way. And then I worry about how it will look too for job prospects. The place I want to move to is hiring. The fastest I can move is early summer.
Sorry this is long and thank you for advice. Maybe I’m making it into a bigger issue than it is. I want to work basically.
Katillac, RN
370 Posts
If I get this right, your biggest concern is whether to take the permanent job for six months once you're done with the residency, versus move then.
I say take the position. First, you don't have an offer in the new city, you only have heard they are hiring. Next, that golden one year of work as a new nurse makes all the difference on your resume. A completed residency and a move may look like you didn't do all that well in it. A residency you got a permanent job from says volumes.
Next, you feel guilty because you took a residency and are now possibly taking a position that could have gone to someone else, knowing you are moving. Here's the thing: everything we take (food, an apartment, a job) could have gone to someone else. Plus, you only thought you might be moving, like many other people, depending on how things go, it's not like you had a date.
It seems you need to make a decision. You can 1) Only do things that cause no inconvenience to anyone else, and take no resources from anyone 2) Continue sometimes doing things that result in difficult consequences for other people and feeling bad or 3) Accept that sometimes actions we take in our best interests result in less than optimal outcomes for others.
Very best to you in your decision making.