Job leads for new CNA, Chula Vista and surrounding areas


I recently finished an accelerated CNA program, and passed the licensure exams. It's been a month now, and it seems like it's hard to find a job esp without work experience yet. I've applied for (3) three jobs; 2 (online) -- a wk ago, and 1 (in person) --a wk and a half ago. I have yet to hear from them. All of these postings with a minimum requirement of at least 6 months to a couple of years of CNA working experience in acute, SNF or long-term care...

I'm actually easy to work with, and easily get along with any type of personality, and very skilled. I finished the program with an A grade, only one of the few from the 20+ students. I mastered all 22 skills, and was 'at home' during the clinical. I'm ready for work!!!

Anyone has leads? Please let me know...

It took a month after I passed my state test to get an interview, I find out Monday if I got the job or not...I just kept filling apps out every week and I still am just In case I don't get this job , I have no experience also and I did well in my class too. Just keep filling those apps out and someone will call, look into assisted living and home health also. What state are you in?

Ok I see it says California lol

Specializes in Psych.

Reo Vista, Shea, Activcare, also try out some adult day cares, Ryan's way or get into private care. I am actually in private care and they pay so much better. I am also applying to the acute care cna program from swc so that I can one day work as a cna in a hospital. You might wanna look into it if you haven't already.

@rodrinka thanks for the msg. and goodluck! hope you got the job. :)

@cnainsd619 thanks for the msg. too. thank god for allnurses. i feel a lot better to hear and to talk to people who can relate with you. it's def true, that looking for a job can be really frustrating...

***hope you get the job...

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