Published May 1, 2015
17 Posts
I need some advice about applying to multiple jobs within the same facility. I am an RN with 7 years experience and am trying to return to bedside nursing. I have recently had a 5 month leave from working due to family issues and am now able to return to a full time position.
My question is whether it's better to apply to a single job opening within a facility or apply to multiple openings at the same time. I really want to start working again and am anxious to get an interview and hopefully a job ASAP.
547 Posts
Often times it's a numbers game, your odds of landing a position would arguably be improved by submitting applications to multiple units.
CelticGoddess, BSN, RN
896 Posts
I always applied to multiple openings (the facility I work at limits the number of open applications allowed, which can be a pain, because sometimes HR forgets to close the apps after the hiring manager says "nay"). I think the limit was 5, maybe? I put in multiple applications on the thought that eventually, a manager would get my application and I would have what they needed. And they did. You can always turn down a position if you are offered more than one.