Published Apr 12, 2011
1 Post
I am one year out of school and have been very lucky with my job placement. I have worked 6mo PRN (30+hr per week) at a endoscopy center avg 150 cases per week, working recovery with pt receiving either conscious sedation or general. recently I have been working at a 360 bed com hospital for 3mo (agency nurse) in the 7 bay holding area of a BUSY, BUSY interventional Radiology dept.
some of my job duties include giving and monitoring conscious sedation to pt having Lung,renal,liver biopsy,chest ,abd bx either in holding area or in CT, nursing care and monitoring patients before and after procedures done in the floro rooms whom recover/prep in the holding rooms.
I am planning on relocating in about 18 mo to south florida after finishing my divorce and getting my last kid off to college.
I have been offered a full time job in the IR dept continuing in the holding area and train to go into the flora rooms and have also interviewed for the second time for a new grad PACU position at another local community hospital both hospitals are in the sub of Wash., DC. OH and I also have the option of going back to the endo center PRN but only about 25 hours a week and I need full time.
SO the question is: if given the choice of jobs, what will look better on a resume for relocation?
734 Posts
Wow, I am have done so much..Congrats to you.
If you need fulltime then take full time job.. chose whatever you feel you will like better. I think any of your choices would allow you to relocate to S. Fl in the future. Do keep in mind,most of FL pays poorly and you might have a bit of culture shock.. but maybe by the time you go the economy will be improved.
Best of luck with whatever path you decide on.