Published Nov 9, 2017
mmalic, RN
10 Posts
Hi everyone!
Just want to thank you all in advance for any answers.
So, I am currently an LPN wanting to bridge for my RN. I am scheduled to take my entrance HESI exam for the RN bridge at Jefferson College on Tuesday, any advice on the HESI? I am super nervous about it, and hoping I pass!
Secondly, I spoke with the nursing dept. at Jeff Co, and they said that I can apply for this fall program, even though I am still in process with my A&P pre-req.. So if all goes well I should know by April if I am in or not. How is the application process/what are the odds of being accepted into the program? They basically said it all depends on how many spots are open, and who I am up against-which really wasn't too reassuring and has me worrying! I am so ready to get my RN and this has all been such a long journey, I feel like I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel-since I am finishing up my last pre-req. Also, if anyone is in the program/or is going through it right now, any tips would be appreciated.
Thank you all sooo much!! Take care. :)
48 Posts
Hello. I am inquiring about that JeffCo bridge program. How did the test go? Any advice for studying? I'm in the process of sending over my transcripts to see what I have to take. I plan to CLEP as much as I can.
Hi! The test wasn't bad, I did well. It was a lot of basic nursing, procedures, lots of maternity for some odd reason, delegation/management, and about 4 easy math questions. Just study out of a hesi nclex style book! Are you planning on applying for the fall semester?
Oh ok, doesn't sound too bad. Yes. Hopefully for the fall. I tried an online bridge program called excelsior which didn't work out for me because I need a classroom setting. However I took A&P I, II, and microbiology but without lab. I'll probably have to do that over so worse case scenario, I'll do the prerequisites then apply for the spring 2019 class.
That's awesome! You don't have to hav micro done to get into the program, so you can still be accepted! Did you get psychology done? The spring program is evening, and the fall is day. I'm hoping I get accepted. So nervous. Maybe we will be classmates!!
It's just so annoying not knowing how many spots they will have open each enrollment.í ¾í´¦í ¼í¿»*♀ï¸
I was going to CLEP psychology once I get the ok from them to do so. Yes maybe we will be classmates! Good luck with everything.
What does CLEP mean? Thank you! Good luck to you as well, we just have to stay positive & determined. Hopefully this time next year we will be almost done with our RN. Praying. :)
College Level Examination Program(clep) you study a subject then go take a test and if you score a certain percentage, you get college credits for it instead of having to take a whole class. Millions of colleges recognize it, including jeffco. it's very convenient. I will be praying also.
Oh wow. I didn't know that! Where do you clep at? Does Jefferson College allow you to do it at their testing center? That's so much more convenient. Wish I knew this before I did all the classes lol. When do you plan on taking the entrance hesi?
Yes they do allow you to. There's also other places to test if someone would like to test closer to home. You would just have your results send to your school of choice. I'm in the process of sending over my transcripts, once they receive them, I'll test. That way I can study some and they'll have everything from me so we can sit down and go over what's needed, I guess.
5 Posts
Hello I'm also interested in attending Jeffco for the fall 2018 RN bridge day program. Did you test yet? What information do you recommend studying. I spoke with someone today and she told me is several slots open now.
What class are you apply to Fall of Spring? I'm shooting for Fall 2018