jacksonville University Nursing


Hi i wanted to know who applied For Ju in the fall 2010

or have been accepted to the program is it a god program over there

thank you i appled and i got a interview in the next 2 weeks

I applied to their program and I had my interview a couple weeks ago. There is no time limit for the essay.

Peca2234, I have my interview at 2:15. Most people stated that there is really no right or wrong answer. Just more of your opinion on the question being asked. I am just keeping my fingers crossed that my nerves don't get the best of me!!

Good luck to you!

Hey everyone! I just had my interview and.......it went great! There was three of us and one interviewer who made it very comfortable for us.

We also got a tour of the lab which was nice!

March can't come any sooner :o

Good luck to everyone and I hope we all get it!

I agree, the interview was made very comfortable. I'm really excited and hope we all get in! That would be awesome! Can't wait to hear. We are supposed to hear by mid to late march... Until then, Good luck to everyone!

Peca2234, I know you said you had your interview today to, what time was yours?

Mine was at 12:45pm.

Oh I must have met you then! I was there when you two girls were waiting to turn in your essays :)

AWWWESOME!!! I know one person now. I was the one with my hair up. I think we were chatting about other schools. How did you feel about the essay?

Yes that was me..the one with the blonde hair :) The essay wasn't to bad although I ended up getting the one I DID NOT want lol.:lol2:

I think I did fine though. I am sure you did great! Mrs. McGinty made is easy on us! Thank god :)

Lets just keep our fingers crossed that we both make it! Keep me updated and I will do the same!

Good luck girl!

Wow, sorry to hear that about the essay. I actually got one of the one's i wanted. I will def keep you posted! The next month cannot get here fast enough! As soon as I hear anything I'll def post. Good luck to you and everyone!:clown:

Hi all

I had a question, what semesters do they offer the program? Do they have summer, spring and fall? Also, what are the deadlines? I can not find it on the website. Thanks :)

I got my acceptance letter today. I've decided to accept a seat at the University of Central Florida, so for those on the wait list....one more seat will be available!!

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