J Sargeant Reynolds Fall 2018

Nursing Students School Programs


Hey Guys I Wanted to know if anyone else applied to the Reynolds nursing program for the fall of 2018 and if so what were your Kaplan score! Please Respond

JSRCC 2018 Fall Nursing Group. Make sure you search under groups. Hope that helps :)

I sent you a friend request on FB so I could add you. Won't let me add you without being friends

Congrats Guys! I cannot wait to meet you guys in the fall!!

Hopefully someone will get this message of mine even though everyone is moved over to the FB group!

I'm applying for the Spring 2019 semester and kind of freaking out! Took the Kaplan for the first time a few days ago. Which just so happened to be the same time and day as the latest info session with King and Beaupre - I attended one back in May. Just continued on to take the test. My overall Kaplan score is 85% - reading 86%, math 89%, writing 71%, and science 90%. I NEED to get in for the spring, thinking of maybe taking the test again but I just want to apply now.

Retake it. As someone who got admitted into the program starting this Fall, it is competitive and of course not everyone gets a golden ticket. Also, it took a solid 5 weeks to even hear back about an admission decision.

eao704, they will take the highest score for each section and the test is free, so you have absolutely nothing to lose by taking the test again. Reading, Math and Science are the most heavily weighted for your overall score, so focus on those sections. Even just a few more points on Math, Science and Reading will give your overall score a decent bump. I bumped by Reading score from 86% to 100%, and my Science score from 75% to 85%. My Math stayed at 96% and Writing stayed at 95%. My overall weighted score jumped from an 86.6% to 93.8%.

Also, not sure if they talked about this in your orientation or not, but I remember it being said that Fall is a more competitive semester than Spring. Regardless, it's still best to try and get as high of a score as possible, because you never know what kind of competition you might be up against.

Thanks for the advice, it's appreciated. I'm gonna go ahead and go for it again. All the best as you all start this journey, go kick nursing school's @$$! Hope I won't be far behind!

That's so true, I don't have anything to lose. Going for it again - hope to get into the Spring semester. You freaking annihilated that exam! I so appreciate the advice. All the best with the program, y'all are gonna rock it.

hey guys

i just got accepted to the RN program for fall 2019 just wanted to see how the program is going for students ahead of me ...any thoughts on first semester ...any feedback would be appreciated thank you so much

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