I've GOT to do something!

Nursing Students General Students


I just found out that I have been accepted into the nursing program that was my first pick!!! WoooHoooo! I wasn't expecting that at all and I am so excited. :balloons: But, I can't sit around and wait for school to start for the next five months! What can I be doing while I wait? I saw that another person posted a similar question and the main advice was to REST. I know that's what I should do, but I just can't. It would drive me crazy.

So, what do you all think I should do with all this time I have on my hands? I was thinking that I would review my medical vocabulary, learn as many of the medical abbreviations as possible, and brush up on math and conversions. Do you think this would be helpful? What else do you think would be good to get a head start on?


Specializes in Global Health Informatics, MNCH.

If I could afford not to work before school starts (June for me) I'd go to Mexico and take medical spanish and volunteer at an orphanage. But studying for the the next couple of months sounds fun too :uhoh3: Stupid A&P 2 @!#%##

Have a complete Spring Clean throughout your house - pack up/throw away/sell/donate anything that could possibly be labelled 'clutter'. Believe me - you won't get much time to clean when you start your nursing course, and the more clutter-free your house is to start with, the easier it will be keep on top of things. Create a really nice study area too. I sure wish I had done this before I started - now I just have to live in a pigsty until Summer LOL!


If I could afford not to work before school starts (June for me) I'd go to Mexico and take medical spanish and volunteer at an orphanage. But studying for the the next couple of months sounds fun too :uhoh3: Stupid A&P 2 @!#%##

Sorry to hear about your A&P woes! But, I agree with the above dream. At clinicals tomorrow, I am taking care of a patient who speaks Spanish only and I have only had two semesters of it. Very useful here in Calif! I'm taking Spanish 3 this summer. Every little bit helps.


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