Published Jan 14, 2008
1 Post
It has been a long time since I have worked with infusion pumps, now I have one on my unit at work, the pateint just needs a half hour infusion of 50 mls of antibiotics. OK I can get the pump set up and the line primed and running, but my infusions stop before the ordered amount is delivered, the bag is empty ,the drip chamber is empty, the pump reads 10ml or 15 ml to be infused. Is this the amount that I wasted while I was priming the line? Should I expect the pump to read zero at the end of the infusion? How can I get the air out of the line without wasting the mediation?:innerconf
Can someone help me out? Natasha
morte, LPN, LVN
7,015 Posts
yup, 10 ml or so is what it takes to prime the tubing, if you are not running the ABT piggy backed to NS, but straight. you will have to set pump to run that much less ....presuming this is more than once a daiy med, the patient will get the "rest" of the first dose with the second etc