iv certification??

U.S.A. Oklahoma


can anyone tell me what is involved in getting iv certified in okla (lpn)???

Specializes in Med_Surg, Renal, intermediate care.

I'm not a LPN yet, but from my understanding your job does your certification or sends u some where. I know at the VA hosptital they send u to the GI lab to do IV and to the ER(I think) to draw blood for a day and u suppose to get so many sticks a day. Here's a flyer from OU Med Center I hope this helps.


ty for the reply do u work at the va? i was looking into a job there?

Specializes in Med_Surg, Renal, intermediate care.

I don't work there, but I did some clinicals there

I do know that they do hire alot of LPNs, some of their med-surg floors have a LPNs and 2 or 3 RNs sometimes 1 RN on short-staff days.

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