Is this true? Salary Question


Hello everyone-

I often hear/read many NPs saying that if they were to work as normal RNs they would make more money than what they make as an NP; I even have read/heard of some NPs that went back to bedside RN because they made more money this way.

What if you were a PA? Would these population still be making more as an RN than a PA or is it specifically that they make more money as an RN than an NP?

In all honesty, how are FNPs in general weaker or less advantageous than PAs?

I live in California, in the Central Valley area.

Specializes in Psychiatry.

I make about 200k a year if I work more than 4 days a week. Currently I work about 24 hours per week and make about 130-150k depending on how busy I am.

The problem is that any NP who takes a "salary" will be losing most of their money to the physician or hospital. Hospitals actually told me - despite not being able to find a psychiatrist for 2 years - that their budget only allowed a max of 100k for an NP and 250k for a psychiatrist. I told them I'd split the difference and take 200k and they refused, so I walked.

Do NOT ever take a salaried position. That is how NPs will end up being paid what insurance is reimbursing. Figure that we make about 80-85% reimbursement (by insurance) of what a physician makes.

90k is definitely not 80-85% of 250k.

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