Is it too soon????


I had an interview on October 11th with the nursing manager and recruiter. I sent my thank you email the next morning. I received a call from the recruiter October 15th stating that I have moved on to the next phase of the hiring process which is with a pool of final candidates where they do a background check and your references have to do an online skilled survey. My references completed the questionnaire last Friday. I was wondering is it too soon to email the nurse manager and ask when she will make her decision or should I wait a little longer to contact her?

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

IMO, it would be entirely appropriate to follow up with the recruiter at this point since they did not provide you with a specific timeline. In the future, be sure to ask for specifics -- "when should I expect to hear from you?" -- in situations like this.

IMO, it would be entirely appropriate to follow up with the recruiter at this point since they did not provide you with a specific timeline. In the future, be sure to ask for specifics -- "when should I expect to hear from you?" -- in situations like this.

Thanks for responding!! I'm going to follow up with her now. I didn't ask because basically the nurse manager was saying its up to me if I want to work there and to email her with my decision but now the recruiter saying its a pool of final candidates. So idk :no:

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