Is my 'plan' advisable by others?

Nurses General Nursing


Hey guys,

I'm Michael (aka. DountainMew or just "Mew"). I've made my first post on the Introduction Forum and I also asked a question there. If I may, I'd like to just quote a portion of my post right quick as far as my question/concern and see what advisable feedback I can recieve. I hope I don't abuse the regulations with 'spam' since technically I posted this in my other thread but here was the part which asked the question:

""Here is where I'm at right now. I'm attending a Community College (a rather large one, actually) here in Iowa. I am having to play the catch up game and taking certain courses that I have to take to refresh my memory of things I learned in High School. The LPN/RN Nursing program at my institution has a waiting list almost a year and a half long (eww). So, I'm working on my Liberal Arts right now. I'm taking classes to earn my Associate of Science degree and then whenever that window comes open for the Nursing Program I want to jump into that. I've chosen this community college because it's right here where I live and it's very, very cost efficient compared to the Universities and Private schools/organizations around my location as well. I don't think it's the most TIME efficient means but for myself (being that I have a family), I believe setting my priorities is the most important. I'm not completely wasting time because I'm educating myself while waiting for the openings to come up at my college.

Here's my long term goal: Keep studying with my college for my AS degree and when the opening does arrive I'll take it and work towards my ASN (well, they call it an Associate of Science Degree in Nursing - ASDN - same thing though). Since it IS a Community COllege and they only provide two year programs I want to transfer to Univerity of Iowa (U of I) once I'm finished with my ASN to go and study/complete my BSN. That's the long term.

NOW for the VERY FIRST QUESTION!!! YAY! :) Here is something I've asked many people for as far as advice (and where this site was also referred to me from): Is what I'm doing 'advised?' I am taking the 150 hour CNA class as an elective right now. Once I have the certification I would like to apply to hospital/clinic/what have you and begin working as a CNA while I work towards my ASN. Once I have my ASN I'd like to try to get a promotion or look for another position elsewhere as an RN (because my ASN will give me the RN cert, right?). And then work as an RN while working towards my BSN degree. Does all that make sense? Is that a good idea or is it discouraged? My PERSONAL (though ignorant of the matters and also uneducated) opinion is that I feel the EXPERIENCE would be invaluable for later use down the road. I feel I would be able to learn what a good CNA does and how the position operates and then a couple/three years down the road move up to a position of RN. This would allow me to gain experience as an RN for when I get my actual BSN.""

Thanks so much for taking time to read this. I know I'm long-winded and this probably seemed way too long. I apoligize.

*Michael. (aka. "Mew")

Good mercy! Thanks guys!! All this feedback is absoluteyl INCREDIBLE!! Lana, I DID read something about that five year cap out or something but I'll need to look into it more. I 'thought' that at one school I looked into for the BSN program that it stated that once you were in the BSN program itself you had to complete it within five years but I don't know if that meant you could have only been in school for five years max in one setting or what that meant. I have no clue. I will have to look into it further. I can probably call the institution tomorrow sometime. Thanks so much! :)

*Mike (aka. "Mew")

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