Is it okay to have snacks in my pockets for clinical?

Nursing Students General Students


Or do hospitals usually have policies against keeping food on your person? Is it rude to scarf down a granola bar during the quiet moments? My class begins Fundamentals clinicals soon; just trying to anticipate it as best as I can.

Some of my classmates/friends who were former students said they always concealed some sort of snack, but eating on the floor or at the nurses station makes me feel...icky? For lack of a better word.

Specializes in Med-Surg; Infectious Diseases; Research.

For infection control, that may not be a wise idea. Nurse station's and scrub pockets are petri dishes.

Ask your instructor? Depends on facility. Also it doesn't take too much time to just go to your bag in the break room and grab a quick snack. Cuts down on contamination risk

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