Like, I loathe it...I find myself wanting to go hide every time I go to clinical For me, it's a combination of the depressing environment, the loss of dignity I witness everyday, being treated like a slave by some of the residents.
Other students seem to share how I feel and some loath it even more than me and say they had thought about quitting for a while but when I try to vent about it to my friends and family they look at me like I'm nuts and like I probably should even be in nursing if I don't' like being in a nursing home. I have had thoughts that I don't think I could work in one at all and that I don't know how the nurses can stand it...and that I would only do it to gain experience after nursing school...
My shcool is having trouble getting us any more clinical experience other than LTC. I spent 3 weeks in a family practice clinic, which I liked...whle other students have experienced med surg, peds, cardiac nursing, school nursing, etc..I feel like I"m getting gypt.