Published Jan 2, 2007
609 Posts
I'm just curious if its hard for a new grad to get a job at Hoag hospital or if its hard to get into the new grad program. I'm sure this is a popular hospital and tons of people apply for the program, right? They can't accept everyone and I know this. Would California residents be given the best opportunity to get a job there? I will have one year experience working as a nurse extern on an oncology floor at a hospital where I live in PA. Will this look good on my resume? I have no idea even how to make a resume! lol
I was looking on Hoag's website today at the available jobs and they only had 3 new grad positions right now which were pulmonary, oncology, and telemetry. Is this because they aren't hiring new grads at this time? I i know they have new grad programs in june, july, august, and october. But once you get out of the new grad program you automatically work at the hospital, right? I'm just confused and i had my heart set on Hoag but I'm starting to think maybe i should look at other places too because it seems like its hard to get a job there. I have also been looking into Saddleback memorial at mission viejo, laguna hills, and san clemente but Hoag is my dream place to work.
68 Posts
The recruiter there is Dana Spyvey. Call HR and ask to talk directly to her. She will help you get a job there. She did me. The only thing is you better hurry because the new grad programs start in Jan. or you have to wait for the next one. Tele is open as well as onc and med/surg I think. I interviewed with the director of tele and he was very cool. So that should get you started. Good Luck!!
Thanks for the info! But I don't graduate until June 07. And I'm planning on taking the nclex in PA and then started Hoag';s new grad program in October.
21 Posts
thanks for the info! but i don't graduate until june 07. and i'm planning on taking the nclex in pa and then started hoag';s new grad program in october.
i was hired as a new grad into hoags ecu last year, and the competition was fierce. there were tons of applicants for only 9 available positions. i made sure to get my app and resume to the pertinent people early. be prepared for your interview, and that is half the battle. there are many websites with interview questions that help you prepare. this is a good one:
students - sample nursing interview - career center
you need to not only be prepared for the questions they will ask you, but you should also have a list of questions you would like to ask them about the position. the above site has examples of these as well.
i would contact dana and express your interest in working at hoag when you graduate. it's never to early to get your resume and application in her hands. it also wouldn't hurt to have letters of recommendation (at least 1) from instructors. the focus at hoag is on nursing excellence, so make sure you let them know how excellent you are. use your resume to highlight those things that are best about you and your practice. like your oncology externship, that would look great. if you could get a letter of recommendation from a supervisor at the facility that would be like icing on the cake.
so, basically just be confident in yourself, and be organized. it takes more work to do what you're doing. there are a lot of details when you pick up and move across the country. you're very brave.:yelclap:
hope this helps. if you have any other questions let me know.
Sorry I Hate to sound stupid but what is the ECU?
I've already talked to the nursing recruiter but that was back in October. She said that the earliest I could fill out an application was february or march and to call back them. I don't think I can even fill out an application without having graduated from nursing school yet, or can I? Do I have to send all my high school transcripts and everything like that? I Really have no idea what to do or what to ask do or say to the nursing recruiters. I'm clueeeelesssss!!!
sorry i hate to sound stupid but what is the ecu? i've already talked to the nursing recruiter but that was back in october. she said that the earliest i could fill out an application was february or march and to call back them. i don't think i can even fill out an application without having graduated from nursing school yet, or can i? do i have to send all my high school transcripts and everything like that? i really have no idea what to do or what to ask do or say to the nursing recruiters. i'm clueeeelesssss!!!
i've already talked to the nursing recruiter but that was back in october. she said that the earliest i could fill out an application was february or march and to call back them. i don't think i can even fill out an application without having graduated from nursing school yet, or can i? do i have to send all my high school transcripts and everything like that? i really have no idea what to do or what to ask do or say to the nursing recruiters. i'm clueeeelesssss!!!
ecu is emergency care unit. others call it the er or the ed. hoag likes to be different.
this is how the application process went for me: i applied in march, interviewed and was hired at the beginning of april, and did not graduate until may 26th. so, you definitely can apply before you graduate. the only transcripts i provided were those from nursing school (what i had up to that point anyway). i also had 2 letters of recommendation along with my resume.
as far as what to say to the recruiters, just be as enthusiastic as you sound here in the forum. you can never express too much how honored you would feel to work for a hospital well known for it's excellence. they like to hear things like that. they want to know that you'll take pride in working for hoag.
if the nursing recruiter told you to wait until february, then use that time to put together your resume and gather whatever else you might need. (letters of recommendation, etc.) i don't think your "clueless", but to learn more about the application and interview process do some online research. that helps you know what to expect. don't worry so much. they know that you are a new grad, and they are very supportive.
I have no idea how to do a resume. Is there online help sites for it? Or topics on here? Its going to be hard to a resume without having graduated from nursing school won't it? I remember I did one when I first started nursing school on yahoo and it was like all blank because i had nothing to put on it. Maybe I can find a better place to help me do one.
don't worry about not having graduated before writing your resume. you are applying to new grad programs, so they are aware. as far as writing your resume, there are hundreds of online resources for resume writing. i've included a couple here for you:
writing your first resume
probably the most important elements of your resume (with your limited experience) are making sure everything is spelled correctly. even with spellcheck, have someone else proof read it for you, and using good quality paper with a readable font.
hope that helps,
23 Posts
i was wondering what is the sign on bonus for hoag hospital when applying for the new grad program. is the starting salary $29.00 hour or does it average out to this amount per hour?
is there a weekend shift differential?
Hoag is 25.05 an hr plus time and a half after 8 hrs. There was no sign on bonus. You get time and 3/4 for bonus shifts. Hope that helps.
Hoag will only hire for 12 hour shifts. At least for new grads anyways. So you will be making 29 dollars an hour for working 12 hours.
27 Posts
yup. 25.05 as a new grad rn, and 5.15 differential for nights.