Published Oct 30, 2011
94 Posts
Right now I'm a CNA (NAI) in the state of NC. I'm not in a position right now to commit to a nursing school schedule, so that's going to have to wait for a bit, but I've been entertaining the thought of possibly doing an NAII program. I did my NAI program at a local and well-respected community college. It was fast-track and the whole program, clinicals included, took one month. I've seen there are some NAII programs around, but my NAI instructor said it was a waste to become an NAII because they do the same work as an LPN but don't get the pay. (His words, not mine) I've noticed that hospitals in the Raleigh area seem to pay about $1 more an hour for an NAII vs. an NAI.
Do you think it's worth it to go for the NAII?
70 Posts
If NAII is like the CMA where I am, then it can be. CMA in KS does medication passes for/in conjunction with the nurse. It will open up some more chances for you, raise in pay isn't a bad thing, education isn't a bad thing (bonus if you're going to nursing school). I know on our dual-nursed floors where I work, if one calls in, a CMA generally gets moved up from NA work to pass meds. Would be a nice change of pace even if the pace is still 10000mph.
VioletKaliLPN, LPN
1 Article; 452 Posts
i am in nc. naii absolutely cannot do what an lpn does. naii can do a few advanced skills, but a nurse and nurse's aid are totally different. naii cannot pass medications, do assessments, etc. in a hospital they are utilized much like an nai, they give bed baths and toilet patients, but they can also perform some other skills.