Is community college keeping me from reaching my nursing career faster?

Nursing Students Chamberlain College


I have attended a community college for about two years now working towards a transfer to a 4 year. When I first began it was required that I had to take a placement testing for math and English. Unfortunately, I placed the lowest in math which is math 20 and atleast one below college level writing in English. In order to carry onto certain classes required for nursing such as my science's I needed to complete math 120, which then allows me to start my science's which was my ticket out once completed. I have worked my way up from basically the bottom and I have finished all my general Ed and have nothing leftover but comm (completing over summer), anthro (completing over summer as well), math 120, and 4 science classes. I went to a counselor for advice since I heard these science classes were difficult such as chem. My counselor spaced my classes out where I can take 2 at a time starting 2019 so I can pass them with a good grade, but it stretched me out all the way till 2020 for me to be able to transfer. I feel like i've been at this school forever and my motivation is so shot since I feel like ill be 80 by the time they let me go since I'm always hearing something different from every counselor. Am I the only one who had to go through this? or is this typical for a student who had to work their way up? I wanna finish sooner than that so I don't know if I should shoot for an associates then bridge to BSN or just go straight for the BSN like originally planned since I have the time, youth, and support with money.

apologies for any grammatical errors Its 1:25am and i'm just stressed out

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