Is claritin BID 10 mg a safe dosage?


my doctor prescribed claritin 10 mg two times a day. I always thought claritin was only supposed to be 10 mg once daily. Is this a safe dosage?

I don't mean to sound rude.....but look it up! Google it or hit your Davis' Drug Guide.

I don't know if it's safe or not, but good on you for go check :wink2:.

Many meds are labeled by the FDA differently than they are prescribed. This does not mean that the FDA is always right. The FDA bows to pressure from big business. This is how we get dangerous meds on the market like Fen-Phen. If you have a problem with this and do not trust your doctor's judgement you should discuss it with him.

Specializes in RETIRED Cath Lab/Cardiology/Radiology.

You have received some good advice for a question that is best answered by your doctor, the one who prescribed the medicine and dose.

Thread closed, per TOS (Terms of Service: asking for medical advice).

I hope you feel better as you follow up with your doctor. :)

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