Is AB Tech's Program Legit? HELP!!!


I am enrolled in the Pre-Nursing program at Carolinas College in Charlotte with a Spring 2017 admittance for their nursing program. Yesterday I found out I got into the Fall 2016 program at AB-Tech and I would love to hear from someone who has been in either one of these programs. I'm hesitant to switch schools not knowing much about AB-Tech, but I also am eager to finish school and begin working. Help!!

Specializes in NICU.

According to the NC BON website, they had a 90% first time NCLEX pass rate for 2015, which is very good.

Carolina College of Health Science had a 95% pass rate for 2015.

Where did you find their 2015 stats? DO you know where I could find employment rates post graduation?

Specializes in NICU.
Where did you find their 2015 stats? DO you know where I could find employment rates post graduation?

Statistics for NCLEX | North Carolina Board of Nursing

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