Published Aug 3, 2006
582 Posts
I work in an oncology department. We have 24 beds. I and other RNs n the floor are getting irritated with certain things that are going on here. I really need a reality check from other nurses since I have only worked at this facility. I don't know if these are normal situations or what. I am asking everyone to please give me feedback on the following things:
1. We just recently started getting patients with IP (intraperitoneal) chemo administration orders. None of us have had an inservice on how to administer this, yet we are expected to do it. I'm one of the few with enough cajones to refuse.
2. 9 of our beds are also telemetry/oncology beds. We have yet to have an inservice on how to use the monitors!! Including how to change settings!!
3. We have bimonthly mandatory meetings. We used to be notified a few days in advance via email and postings thru out the unit of when/where the meetings would be held. Now we are not being notified this way. Now they post the times/locations THE DAY OF THE MEETING!! I only work part time, so naturally, this ends up happening on a day when I am not even at work. The 1 day notice isn't even long enough to find childcare for me!! I have discussed with management, no one is listening.
4. I work pm shift. We have our own clinical manager just for pm shift. Can manager's work from home? Because she is rarely around.
5. Is it safe, or even ok to have 5 patients...all actively receiving chemo infusions at the same time?
6. If all of our 9 tele beds are filled with patients, not all necessarily on it ok to have a patient be "remotely monitored". Meaning that I have a patient hooked up to a tele monitor (located quite a long distance away, I cannot even HEAR the alarms)? We are being asked to do this, but I feel it puts my license in jeopardy since I cannot access the monitor from the distant location. We don't even have monitor techs sitting by the monitor waiting for alarms to go off!!! Basically there is no way for anyone to get ahold of me if an emergency occurs.
bumpity bump bump