Irish nurse needs advice on cgfn and Nclex for USA rn license (Massachusetts)


I am an Irish trained nurse who has American citizenship. I am wondering if I am doing the steps correctly. Do I need a CES professional report from cgfn.

Does cgfn send the forms out to me personally or directly to my university and secondary school and Irish nursing board?? Then these three send the paperwork back to cgfn company is this correct?

if anyone is familiar with the Irish nursing board, will they send out a copy of my registration license to cgfn sealed and stamped? And the same with my university NUIG nursing school with my transcipts?

Appreciate any help at all, thanks!!

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Moved to the Nurse Registration forum,

For CES report you are responsible to arrange paperwork to be sent to CGFNS and depending on state you are applying to will depend whether CES report is required. cA do their own assessment and New York require cvs which means CGFNS are responsible to obtain relevant documents

Thanks for the reply. So if I went for a New York license the cgfn company would contact my university, school and nursing board? As in once I pay the fee and give authorisation for verification of my records transcipts and registration, cgfn will contact and sort it??

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Which state are you planning on working in? That is the state to apply to. So if NY then you complete forms for CVS and pay fees and CGFNS are then responsible to collect all relevant paperwork, can take up to 6 months. After that the paperwork is sent to NY BON and usually between 1-2 months you get a decision. If another state and CES required then you complete paperwork and pay fees to CGFNS and then make arrangements with the various establishments to have appropriate paperwork sent in like license verification and transcripts plus you are responsible to pay any fees they ask for. Most places will have some experience with this

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