

I had my first interview ever for a nursing job this past weekend. All of my family keeps asking me how I think I did.

I honestly can't say for sure. The manager did a lot of talking and at one point started talking about stuff off the subject.:uhoh3:

What are signs to look for if an interview is going good or not so much? Any advice for future interviews? :nuke:

Specializes in ICU.

If the manager did a lot of talking then you're probably ok. Did he/she offer you a position? Typically (but not always) you will get a job offer at the unit's interview. That's in areas with shortages.

Ideas for future interviews? Dress professionally. Come prepared with a nicely printed list of references. Let the manager do the initial talking. Answer questions thoughtfully and briefly. They don't want to hear the long version of anything. :bugeyes: Be positive. Even the most negative experience in your life has some positive result... I've been through some rotten stuff in life, but can look back and see that it's made me a stronger person. Be prepared to ask a couple of questions even if they've answered all the ones you came with... you can rephrase whatever they've said and turn it back into a question as if you're confirming what they've already said. And when you're interviewing, make sure it's an area you're interested in. If you get an offer in Renal and all you want is to work in Cardiovascular.... well... you won't stick around for long and your lack of enthusiasm may show. ;)

Best of luck to you! You have a long and fascinating future ahead of you!

I wasn't offered a position. She said she had a couple more interviews and I would hear something in a couple of weeks. In the meantime what do I do. Today I am going to send my thank you card to her. I know that much but from there I am stuck!

Specializes in ICU.

Sorry I didn't see your reply until now. End of the semester and all. Bah.

Have you heard back from the recruiter? Are there other hospitals/facilities you can apply to? If your area isn't experiencing a shortage you may have to expand your search further out. Can you talk to your professors/clinical instructors to see if they have any contacts?

Best of luck to you!

I had an interview yesterday with 2 different floors. The manager said she doesn't think I'll have problem getting a job it's just choosing which one is the right one for me. That was really positive.:yeah:

The next interviewer did most of the talking. She really didn't ask me many questions but explain to me how the unit is. What does that mean? :uhoh3:

Any thoughts I asked her a lot of questions and she said they were very good. I liked the second place I interviewed for because they work with your schedule and let you switch with other nurses if there is a conflict.

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