Published Aug 31, 2007
73 Posts
I am a new grad RN. I am moving next week from TN to FL. I plan on applying to a few different hospitals and facilities. If you get offered the job during or right after the interview, but you're not sure you want it or have other interviews scheduled, what do you say? I don't want to come off as rude or ungrateful for the opportunity, but I really want to explore different areas. What is an appropriate response?
classicdame, MSN, EdD
7,255 Posts
Say "I appreciate the offer and would like to consider it. When can I reach you with my decision?"
Go in with the attitude that every major decision in your life deserves rumination - they do!
Jules Anne
98 Posts
This situation happened to me. I said thanks and let them know that I was interested but would need at least one week to consider the offer. The manager was fine with that response and told me to take all the time I needed. If you feel pressured to give an immediate answer, proceed with caution, they may be trying to give you a bum deal and don't want you to have time to figure it out!