I just graduated and have an interview scheduled this week. Its at my first choice hospital. Point is I want to work there and they have expressed a strong interest in hiring me.
Problem is this: I really only want to work day shift.
When I first called the hospital several months ago and inquired about new grad shifts, they told me it all depends on whats available at the time and its not point blank night shift only. However, recently all new grads hired there are working nights.
Question is, what can I say to convince them to give me day shifts?
The truth is I function best daytime and cannot cope with very late hours or inconsistent schedules. However, Im sure recruitement gets these answers all the time and will just say too bad. Im willing to work nights occasionaly and am flexible in which units to work, however Im pretty adament about working days. How do I say this politely?
I really would appreciate responses as this issue really concerns me.