Interview for OR residency

Specialties Operating Room


Hello everyone! I got an interview coming up for OR residency in 2 days. Any advice or tips on what to expect and how to answer all the questions that they will ask me? I've been told that the interview is going to be 2 hours long. I am excited but anxious at the same time. Hope you guys can help me. Thanks!

Hi Marsh! I used to do the peer interview for new hires at my old job. My peers and I used to ask people if they could describe what a circulator and scrub actually do? It showed whether they had spent any time in an OR or if they didn't have a chance, then they actually researched what the job entails. The goal was to hire people who really wanted to be in OR and had a basic understanding rather than just wanting a job as a new grad. It is ok to not know it all, but try to have an idea about it. There are threads on here about what OR nurses do, if you want to do a search and read up on it.

Also, questions may include how you work with others, how you handle difficult coworkers or situations, ability to be flexible. Be prepared to give examples of how you have dealt with stress, coworkers, difficult patients or doctors, etc.

Smile. Act excited and inquisitive. Good luck! Hope this helps a little bit.

Hi beachgirl17...Thank you for taking the time to answer my question, that help a lot.

Also, try to have questions to ask in the peer interview. It is your chance to ask questions of the staff that you may not feel comfortable asking the manager.

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