International Nursing

World International


Hi all! I am a RN in the US wanting to find out about nursing internationally.. I have traveled to Italy approximately a year ago & was able to find out about Rome's Fatebenefratelli facility.. Any international members could email me and tell me a little about nursing outside of the US.. Thanks :)

Hi Claudia! Nice to hear from you! You have a wealth of experience! Thanks for sharing :)


I can tell about nursing in Brazil...

We have 3 levels of nursing in Brazil.

You must study at least 4 years to become a nurse and once you finish your course, you apply to get your license. No tests are required, but the government try to control the quality of those courses.

The best universities are the public ones. You get better education and you don't have to pay anything for your course, The government sponsors it for you and if you are a good student, you have the chance to get a scholarship. There are plenty of private universities, but some of them don't have as good reputation as the public ones, with some exceptions, of course.

We have Masters and doctorate courses (doctorate only in major cities) with very good quality and american curiculum based. By the way, our nursing was introduced by an american nurse called Ethel Parsons.

Talking about job experience, I worked at a public hospital for 4 years, with at least 18 patients under my responsability.

Private and public hospitals are completelly differents. They are like hell and heaven, but I think if we study so much, why not use what we learn?


Hi Claudia,

My name is Yvonne and I am currently taking Professional Issues which is the same course that was taken by Seilka, and TMW last summer. The information you shared was great. I am willing to anwer questions you may have re: the US system. Would it be ok if I share your information with my class.


Hi Moranguinho,

I'm Yvonne and was forwarded your info from TMW. She has completed her course and I am currently taking the course and in need of the same information. You it be ok with you if we correspond with each other. I really enjoyed hearing about Brazil I have always wanted to travel there.

Is there anyything you would like to know about the US system.

Why do you say private and public schools are like heaven and hell.


TWM and SG15:

Just an old nurse's perspective - I have worked in North America from the shores of the Arctic Ocean to the Rio Grande and a few spots inbetween. I currently work in a 700+ bed facility in the middle east. Our nursing department has more than 50 nationalities, a real multinational environment. Nursing care is nursing care, no matter where you are. Standards may vary, policies may differ, cultural norms influence different aspects of the care, but all in all, the nursing care is the same. Patients still need care, no matter where you are.

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