international graduate nursing student

World Immigration


i'm international graduate nursing student . one of the program requirements is to be registered with the board of nursing. i submitted my paperwork for registration, but it was returned with a request for my social security number. i'm currently student in the master's degree program on an f1 visa. according to the social security administration office, and irs that f1 visa student is ineligible for social security numbers. do i still need to do the registration? i have 3 cridited remaining to graduate but the program director refused to let me register my last course till be registered. i explained the situation but still. if they have this rules and she knew that f1 visa regulation why did she give me acceptance from the first place. i do not know what to do? i want to be done and go back to my country. i'll not work in usa.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

As a F1 student you can apply to work whilst on breaks and weekends but it doesn't mean you have to work, you can apply for a SSN that way.

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