Intensive Care nursery vs. NICU


Hello I have an interview soon and was wondering if there is a difference between the two? I tried researching but didn't really get a clear answer.Also the position is for the newborn ICU any suggestions?

Specializes in ED.

I believe that is what NICU stands for....... Neonatal (newborn) Intensive Care Unit

Thanks for your reply. When I applied for the position I didn't even think twice about there being a difference. Now as I get ready for the interview I am over analyzing everything. LoL Any advice out there on what they are looking for. I understand it will probably be different in every unit but any ideas? Im sooooo nervous. This is My dream job!!!

Specializes in Telemetry, OB, NICU.

They sound the same.

For the interview, know the hospital; mission, vision, values, how many beds in this NICU, any award to this hospital in the past. Those would help you answer why you picked that hospital/unit. Be honest about your feelings toward this specialty; tell them that's what you want to do for long years and it is a pleasure to learn this specialty, etc.

I just got offered my dream position using the above too. It isn't NICU, but it's mother/baby.

It's two names for the same thing. There are huge variations in acuity and capabilities among NICUs, but the names (NICU, ICN, etc) don't tell you anything about the acuity. I've also worked in a high-risk nursery (HRN), which was yet another name for a NICU. We have to make this stuff as confusing as possible. :)

Good luck to you!

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