Published Jul 20, 2007
41 Posts
I have been doing per diem nursing assigments with Intelistaf and they have been bought by Medical Staffing Network. Does any traveler or nurses in genral have any opinion of Medical Staffing Network. So far the per diem work with intelistaf has been low. The pickings in Madison are vey limited, and I have to travel at times 45 minutes to one hour away for one day of work. I can not complain really because I made the decision to do this thinking it would be a good finacial move with more flexibilty but I did not do my homework well. :trout: My recuirter though is very good and she does her best to find me work. But one can not help it when the assignment can call you one hour before your shift and cancel, and believe me they do it.
Anywho does any one work for Medical Staffing Network/Intelistaf in chicago and would the choices be better. My acute care background is mainly med-surg.
Hope everyone has a great weekend. :balloons:
Diary/Dairy, RN
1,785 Posts
I worked agency for MSN through the Indianapolis, IN office and really liked them - the pay was great and the office staff was really nice!
9 Posts
There is alot of opportunity with MSN in Chicago. I live in New Jersey but have a friend who works with MSN in Chicago and loves it. Feel free to email me and I will give you her contact information. She would be happy to talk to you.
I am a per diem agency nurse in NJ. I am starting to hear alot about Local Travel Nurses. What is a local travel nurse. Does anybody know what these nurses get paid in NJ? I do med-surg and ICU.
[email protected]