Input for newborn with Downs Syndrome

Specialties Ob/Gyn


I am not an L&D nurse, but have wanted to be for sometime, so I am only a lurker here. I am 19 weeks pregnant and my husband and I were just given the devastating news that our fifth baby has been diagnosed with Downs Syndrome (via amnio). While we are still reeling from this news and trying to digest it, I was wondering if any of you nurses had some insight for me on what problems I might have to prepare for in caring for a newborn with this. Is there generally problems with breastfeeding, apnea, etc.? I know all babies are different, but generally speaking...

My husband (a teacher) is already thinking ahead to schooling; I'm still at delivery and caring for a newborn. Any input you might have would indeed be helpful, since you are all on the "front lines". Thank you so much in advance.

It has been a while since my last post, but I just wanted to thank you ALL so much again for the responses and well-wishes...there have been some tough days to get through, and there will be more, I am sure, but we have the support and understanding of our families and friends (though many don't know just yet--it just gets emotionally draining to explain everything again and again...)

If it sounded "odd" for us to be shocked, well, unless you've experienced it personally, only then can you know the feelings of complete disbelief, sadness, regrets, confusion, and fear all at once. There is a real grieving process here, and I think we went through all seven stages. Acceptance is where we are now, though I am not so naive as to believe there won't be setbacks. After the holiday season I think we will be at a point where we can start reading books and really researching the resources in our community. I can only pray for the best possible outcome...fear of the unknown is our worst enemy at this point.

I am sure as time goes on I will have more questions and/or need "help" from unbiased professionals here on the message board...keep up the good work--I can only hope the nurses at our hospital are as caring as you all.

:kiss Illeniccup

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