Info on Pima CC and transferring to the UofA BSN program


I am a graduating from High School this Spring. I am really interested in going to PCC to get my associates and then transferring to UofA to get my BSN. I would really appreciate any info that anyone has on doing that. Has anyone out there done it? What are the prereqs to getting into the Pima nursing program? Is there a long waiting list? Are there any better options to getting my BSN?? I would really appreciate any and all info you guys have!!! Thanks so much!!!

Specializes in Dialysis.

I'm graduating Pima RN on Thursday. This has been a fun experience.

Pre-reqs to apply: Chemistry, A&P 1 and 2, Microbiology, Math 122, Psychology. Then apply. It's about a 2 year waiting list... but was 1 1/2 for me. During the wait, I took all the co-req classes. I started the program with no classes required except for the core ones.

Look on the PCC site at the course outline. It tells you exactly what classes to take and when. It really is a top notch program. It's intense, but you get a lot out of it.

Wow!! Congrats! About how much did everything cost you total? I have been looking at the Pima website, but was a little confused so thanks for clarifying that! What are the co-reqs? So you can't apply to the nursing program without completing your pre-reqs but you don't have to have your co-reqs done?? Sorry if the answers to the questions are a little obvious....I'm just a little confused right now! =)

GPA is hugely important when applying to U of A! Study hard. Focus on your AGEC at Pima, and the pre-requisites (which are nearly the same for Pima, UA and NAU), and good luck! The Pima waiting list is long, so it might not be a bad idea to apply there, and while you're waiting, apply to UA and NAU.

Specializes in Dialysis.

It cost about $5000, total I think. Financial Aid covered a lot of it. Some of the cost are things like stethoscope, uniforms, things like that. About $1000 a semester for tuition. Just make sure you have your personal finances figured out so you can eat while going to school!

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