Published Jan 8, 2009
15 Posts
I am curious if the military (especially the Navy) have infectious disease nurses. Anyone have any idea? I have to think USAMRIID employs nurses, and with the exposure to exotic agents all over the world, it seems ID nurses would have to part of the service. All I can find listed for active duty nurses are the specialties listed here:
Advanced Practice Nurse
Community Health Nurse
Critical Care Nurse
Emergency Room Nurse
Family Nurse Practitioner
Medical-Surgical Nurse
Nurse Anesthetist
Nurse Midwife
OB/GYN Nurse
Operating Room Nurse
Perioperative Nurse
Psychiatric/Mental Health Nurse
None of these are truly infectious disease / infection control positions, although that may fall under the "advanced practice nurse" category, or possibly the "community health nurse"; however, looking at the description in their documentation, I'm inclined to think they do not handle ID type stuff. I know the Navy does have some form of ID nurses, I've seen references to them, but maybe they're reserve nurses or come from a different agency? I'm curious since I worked for the CDC for 5 years, and would like to see some of the more exotic illnesses before working in private practice; not a whole lot of Wucheria bancrofti in Michigan... Seems like the Navy would give me the exposure (hmmm, maybe poor choice of words) I want...
just_cause, BSN, RN
1,471 Posts
I'll throw my best guess.... there are MOS that you are able to enter into and work within that scope - but they are often still wide ranging. Ex you can enlist as an infantryman and might end up as an infantryman being a vehicle commander of a Stryrker, or a leg, or a ammo grunt etc. There are probably specific jobs in branches that might have this as a specific job but not as a specific MOS you can lock down... I'm sure there will be others with specific info but that is my take. v/r
I guess that does make sense- having an MOS for every specialty subtype would be a bit overwhelming from a staffing and management standpoint. Just goes to show another one of the differences between the military and civilian sectors, I suppose...
If I knew I wanted to join the Army as a nurse - and as a sub priority wanted to do inf disease... I think I would look into:
Womack army medical center - as it's at bragg and I'm sure SF asia group brings back some neat things. I would also search and find out where the microbiologists are primarily stationed and look into that as a possible avenue.
Look forward to hearing more if you get any ideas~