Infant calorie/volume/weight gain calculator. Professional Source

Specialties Pediatric



I am looking for a professional quality online tool/tools that show the user how to calculate month by month what an infants calorie needs are, what weight percentile they would be in, and month by month from birth how much volume their stomach can accommodate..especially for the NGT or GT fed infant..

I have spent a ridiculous amount of time now looking for this...and I can find all these things online but not from websites that a nurse could use....

I would appreciate any help.....Looking for a source of information that I can present to the parents.

Situation..Baby has a NGT and an omphalocele with a healed graft over it..throwing up alot dispite all kinds of meds, formula changes ect. Now we just decreased the daily intake again which is below what would be normal at this age...Yet her weight is in the 75th-90th percentile. She is Gaining weight and length, voiding, good turgor ect. The parents want to know if the doctors are doing the right thing....I personally feel that the emesis is related to her condition and not the meds or the formula..and considering all the positive signs I dont feel their is a big cause for concern. Dont want to tell them the wrong thing either.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

Try this: (Pediatric Enteral Nurtition)

This baby would benefit from jejunal feeds which would reduce the emesis. (You can't barf from your small intestine.)

Thanks so much!

We are really trying to avoid the N-J tube... I am working in the home setting and this baby pulls that NGT out a few times a week--she hates it is sensitive to the adhesive even with a skin prep. We would be making many extra trips to the hospital...but it might end up coming to that.

Thanks for the good sources


Specializes in NICU, PICU, PCVICU and peds oncology.

Have the parents been offered a gastrostomy and fundoplication? I'm surprised she's 10 months old and hasn't had this done already. Here it would have been done in the second or third month of life to reduce the unplanned extubations and to ensure a secure method of enteral feeding. If the fundoplication fails to resolve the vomiting then the GT would be converted to a GJ and away we go.

I dont know if she would be a candidate for the the nissen/fundoplication..but she can't get a GT at this time. They started to close it surgically in stages..they even fully closed it but shortly after the final surgery, the wound opened up. So they grew a skin graft and covered the entire area with the graft...which is covering most of her abdomen and the organs still protruding. And now they are going to wait for a year or so for her to grow more before going back in and surgically. The Dr said that they dont have anywhere to place a GT.

This is a great case though. She is expected to outgrow all of her problems and have a normal life.

Going to see the nutritionist and surgeon Monday..well see what they say about it all.

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