

I'm in the process of finishing up my prerequisites for the registered nursing program.However, I'm not sure if my decision for the fall semester is great. Starting August I can take A& P I lab /lecture for 8wks, and A&P II lab /lect for 8 wks and voila :yeah: I'm done with prerequisites, take HESI in Nov. begin core courses possibly in spring. Considering the fact that A&P is the foundation for nursing should I go for it (take shorter courses), but then I feel like I'm cheating myself by not completing the 16 wk course. Will I miss out on imperative info that will be essential in my nursing career? If there is anyone who has taken A&PI & II Lab and lect accelerated please let me know if this is a path i should venture upon.BTY I work 30-35 hrs weekly.

Specializes in M/S, Travel Nursing, Pulmonary.

Can't really say what is best for you because everyone's situation is different. Do you have to work too? How well do you do with shortened/accelerated classes?

Me, I took Sat. only A+P classes for I and II, and it didn't jive out too well for me. I like learning a little at a time, getting the basics down firmly before moving on etc..............

And you are right, A+P are very important. So, w/e direction you go, keep doing well with what you are doing at the moment as your primary motivation, not "speeding things up" as I did.

Specializes in Post Acute, Home, Inpatient, Hospice/Pall Care.

I had to take my pharmacology course in 9 weeks and I think I feel ok with it, a but rushed but not too bad. Most of my texts go back to A&P and I also got an A&P handbook for reference. I think you need to do what ever you are comfortable with! Good lucK!

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