Published Jul 18, 2011
1 Post
I'm in the process of finishing up my prerequisites for the registered nursing program.However, I'm not sure if my decision for the fall semester is great. Starting August I can take A& P I lab /lecture for 8wks, and A&P II lab /lect for 8 wks and voila I'm done with prerequisites, take HESI in Nov. begin core courses possibly in spring. Considering the fact that A&P is the foundation for nursing should I go for it (take shorter courses), but then I feel like I'm cheating myself by not completing the 16 wk course. Will I miss out on imperative info that will be essential in my nursing career? If there is anyone who has taken A&PI & II Lab and lect accelerated please let me know if this is a path i should venture upon.BTY I work 30-35 hrs weekly.
eriksoln, BSN, RN
2,636 Posts
Can't really say what is best for you because everyone's situation is different. Do you have to work too? How well do you do with shortened/accelerated classes?
Me, I took Sat. only A+P classes for I and II, and it didn't jive out too well for me. I like learning a little at a time, getting the basics down firmly before moving on etc..............
And you are right, A+P are very important. So, w/e direction you go, keep doing well with what you are doing at the moment as your primary motivation, not "speeding things up" as I did.
RN_SummerSeas, MSN, APRN, NP
183 Posts
I had to take my pharmacology course in 9 weeks and I think I feel ok with it, a but rushed but not too bad. Most of my texts go back to A&P and I also got an A&P handbook for reference. I think you need to do what ever you are comfortable with! Good lucK!