Increasing Indian home ownership


Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatric, Behavioral Health.

editorial: increasing indian home ownership

friday, march 3, 2006

"home ownership is a prominent component of the american dream. for too many indian families for too long, however, the idea of owning a home is little more than a dream.

organizers of a new pilot project in great falls want to change that.

the project is called the urban native american homeownership initiative, and it was announced last week in great falls.

motivation for the program is the reality that less than a third of indian families in great falls own their own homes, compared with a rate of about two-thirds among the overall population statewide.

the program's goal is to increase indian homeownership-first in great falls, then statewide."

get the story:

editorial: program aims to help more indians own homes (the great falls tribune 3/3)

Specializes in Transgender Medicine.

How wonderful for those families to get this opportunity! I am so happy for them.

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