Immigration medical


Specializes in Clinical exp in OB, psy, med-surg, peds.

Any body is gotten package to medical seeing that the retrogression is here, pririty date is oct 2006,we got notice to do medical

Any body is gotten package to medical seeing that the retrogression is here, pririty date is oct 2006,we got notice to do medical

Hi RNKay31! You already received your packet 4? From what country are you? Good for you, a lot of nurses here are waiting for their packet 4. Goodluck! :)

Specializes in Clinical exp in OB, psy, med-surg, peds.

Am from Grenada, but I am in the USA, when did you file

Things are done very differently in the nurse is going thru the Adjustment of Status process. They actually do not have a Packet 3 or 4. The only petition that is the same is the I-140, then the others are different.

That is why you will see nurses that got their three petitions in before the deadline the end of October going thru the remainder of the processing. Not happening with those that are going thru Consular Processing.

Specializes in Clinical exp in OB, psy, med-surg, peds.

Thanks Suzanne, you are a blessing

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