Published Feb 11, 2009
3 Posts
Im not sure if I can do it. Did anyone out there not pass their 1st semester of nursing school and go on to become a nurse? I didnt pass my 1st sem. missed it by 1point in nursing 105, 2points in pharm. Nursing school was the hardist thing ive ever been thru. But I loved working with the patients and learning the info, I just had so much other stuff on my mind(work,money,family) and was so out of my element. Just not sure I can do it now.
11 Posts
what happened to trying again, and harder this time...? Don't give up on the first fall, if you really want it, go get it.
athena55, BSN, RN
987 Posts
I was placed on academic probation my entire first year of nursing school.
Passing grade was "B" or an 80% and I would consistently receive a 79.5% or 79%. I guess my instructors saw potential. Plus I approached my instructors for tutoring, extra work and spent A LOT of time in the library.
If this (nursing school) is something more than just a dream for you I would tell you to continue. Hopefully you have family that is understanding of your need to spend lots more time on study...Some of the "family-time" will have to be put aside. $$, well that is hard to push to the back of your mind and if you are working while attending school, that is reality. I worked part-time when I was attending school and my needs were few. Plus I didn't have a family-family to worry about (just my parents and siblings)
I wish I had some great advice for you. I don't.