I'm not sure if I'm going to fail or not.


This is my first year, first semester (Fundamentals). We have 3 tests, all 200 points, then a final which is worth 300 points. My first exam I received a 70%. My second exam I received a 58.57%. Could anyone possibly tell me what I will have to receive on my last test and the final in order to pass? Test average grade has to be anywhere from a 75.6% or above.

I studied for these exams for many weeks and I'm still coming up short.

Do you think it is how I'm studying?

I'm using my online Evolve account which has practice questions, NCLEX style questions and case studies. I also use index cards along with reading the textbook.

Should I even keep trying?

Here's how you figure it out so you can do it in the future!

You have 900 points available total. You need .756 * 900 = 681 points by the end.

Your first test was .70 * 200 = 140 points

Your second test was .5857 * 200 = 117 points

So you have 257 / 681 points. You need 424 points out of 500 still available

So that would mean an average of 84.8% (424/500) on each test in order to pass.

If you score less than 124 points (62%) on your third test, it is impossible for you to pass, even if you get 100% on your final.

I hope that helps!

Please don't take this the wrong way...because I KNOW how you feel...but it surprises me that people will come on here asking things like this when they really should be going straight to their instructor with their concerns and sitting down and talking with them about what study deficits they have and how they can better utilize their time and resources. That's what your instructors are there for.

Specializes in ICU.

Don't know whats the content on your test (evolve with textbook) but if its just textbook read and understand the textbook... a lot of people spend a lot of time on NCLEX or evolve qz when they don't help you for your test. Do evolve before hesi or other computerized test, but don't do it for your class test. Focus on the textbook and the notes you have, thats the key to pass your classes.

I've gone to 2 instructors, neither could demonstrate the math to decipher what grades I would need in order to pass. That's all I wanted.

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Its not that hard to figure out. You total the points possible and what 76.5% of that is and thats the points needed to pass. You then subtract your current points from that amount and whats left is obviousy whats needed. Your professors couldnt figure that out?

It also depends on how much each exam is worth. Our exams equal out to 50% of our grade, quizzes are 5%, assignments are 10% and final is 35%

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