im really nervous about retaking my N-clex

Nurses LPN/LVN


Im really afraid that i wont pass my nclex exam this time and fear that nursing is not for me.. so far everyone in my nursing class has passed it and i feel like im the only one not going anywhere. any advice? i read a lot to review for my test and its this saturday and im just afraid

Specializes in Pediatrics, NICU, ER, PICU.

Well first and foremost...DON'T BE AFRAID! Relax!! You have to relax and have a clear head as we all know the NCLEX can confuse ya if you aren't paying attention! Breathe and just take your time...don't give up have come too far!!! Be confident...stay positive!! You can do this!;)

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.
Im really afraid that i wont pass my nclex exam this time and fear that nursing is not for me.. so far everyone in my nursing class has passed it and i feel like im the only one not going anywhere. any advice? i read a lot to review for my test and its this saturday and im just afraid

I believe that nursing is for you. You are just nervous at this time because of the previous experience, and I can understand that. Think positive, think the questions through before you answer them and try to imagine yourself in the position of the nurse and actually performing each of the motions that they are questioning you about. Try not to speak to anyone before or during breaks because that increases your nerves. Eat lightly, but enough not to become hypoglycemic during the exam...I ate crackers before taking mine and drank either ginger ale or gatorade to calm my stomach. We are with you in spirit and keep us posted!

Start saying to yourself I know enough to pass my exam and I will pass this exam. Everyday, throughout the day. You can do it!

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