I'm ready to be an RN need a study buddy excelsior


Specializes in Dialysis, nursing home, wound care, home.

Hello , I've been an LVN for 4 years and I've been wanting to start my excelsior nursing classes for a few years now. I'm so happy I choose nursing but at times work options or very limited. I would like to find someone who is also determined to be an RN to study with. I live in Texas but with the Internet and phones and determination I'm positive we can make this happen no matter how far we are. Let me know if your interested and I'm excited to start

I am looking into Excelsior as well....I am so ready to become a RN... My email is [email protected] email me so we can discuss studying and motivating each other....


I am in Texas and doing the bridge through Excelsior as well! I took my first test, transition to the registered nurse role this morning! PM me if you ever want to study or anything! ~Rachel

I am in Texas too n in need of study partner but have 4 more to go b4 FCCA. Good luck in ur studies.

Specializes in obstetrics.

I really want to start too. I have been an lpn since 2007 and redid all prerequisite for rn but don't want to quit my day job so need to did this! I'm in Michigan and definitely need a buddy.

Specializes in Corrections :).

I know the feeling. After 6 years and trying to go though college here in GA, I have decided to go the Excelsior route. I have officially signed up and mailed all my information. Awaiting acceptance and then I will be off. Good luck to all.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.
I know the feeling. After 6 years and trying to go though college here in GA I have decided to go the Excelsior route. I have officially signed up and mailed all my information. Awaiting acceptance and then I will be off. Good luck to all.[/quote']

I assume you know about the extra hoops the GA BON requires for EC grads? Not impossible, just painful, from what I've heard.

well im sure im behind you im currently in nur214, and im just a little nervous because im not sure where to even start studying dont want to over study i still need a study buddy [email protected]

i am in ga i just started the program things have changed with all the requirements with GA, if you need a study buddy im all in [email protected]

Specializes in Internal Medicine,OB/GYN, Peds,Psych.

Have you started nurding courses or general coursed, I'm in Atlants, studying Life Span Develiping Person, would like a study buddy, are you interested?

i am in ga i just started the program things have changed with all the requirements with GA, if you need a study buddy im all in [email protected]
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